- AF1 扣肉米粉RM14.90Fried Bee Hoon with Stewed Pork
- AF2 炒饭 ·鸡蛋
( 扬州或乡村)RM9.90Fried Rice with Egg
(Yang Zhou / Kampung) - AF5 花雕蛤蜊韩式泡面RM14.90Ottogi Ramensari with Clam & Wine
- AF6 口豆香辣海鲜拼盘RM69.90Koto Spicy Seafood Platter, Prawn, Squid, Clam
- AF7 海鲜东炎炒米粉RM19.80Tom Yam Seafood Fried Bee Hun
- AF8 海鲜炒面RM9.90Seafood Mee Mamak
- AF9 海鲜麻辣香锅RM9.90Mala Seafood Hotpot
- D8 网红小吃拼盘RM28.90Trending platter
- TY1 东炎汤 + 饭RM19.90Tom yam Seafood with Rice
- TY2 东炎汤 + 米粉RM19.90Tom yam Seafood with Mee hoon
- TY3 东炎汤 + 拉面RM19.90Tom yam Seafood with Ramen
- 宫保鸡 / 猪肉饭RM14.90Gong Bao Chicken / Pork Rice
- 姜葱鸡 / 猪肉饭RM14.90Ginger Onion Chicken / Pork Rice
- A01 add on eggRM2.00
- A02 add on porkRM6.00
- A03 add on riceRM2.00
- A04 add on vegRM3.50
- A05 add on tom yam supRM5.00
- WF1 酥脆鸡扒·薯条·沙拉
酱料: 蘑菇 / 黑胡椒RM19.90Chicken Chop with French fries & Salad
choice of sauce: Mushroom / Black Pepper - 东炎海鲜意大利面RM16.90Tomyam Seafood Spaghetti
- 奶油海鲜意大利面RM16.90Creamy Seafood Spaghetti
- 蒜香培根意大利面RM14.90Aglio Olio Bacon Spaghetti
- 正宗武汉鸭脖子RM17.00
- 鸭翅膀RM17.00
- 鸭舌头RM17.00
- 鸭肠RM17.00
- 莲藕RM17.00
- 毛豆RM17.00
- 腐竹RM17.00
- 金针菇RM17.00
- 笋RM17.00
- 口豆薯条RM12.90Koto French Fries
- 口豆鸡块RM12.90Koto Nugget
- 口豆爆米鸡RM14.90Koto Popcorn Chicken
- 手工炸鱼饼RM12.90Handmade Fried Fish Cake
- E11 Edelweiss 1 H - pintRM12.00
- E5 Edelweiss 5 H - pintRM55.00
- 啤酒大师桶RM138World Tour Bucket
- 开片洒 1杯RM28
- 开片洒 3杯RM78
- E1 1 BottlesRM13.90
- E4 4 BottlesRM55.70
- E8 8 BottlesRM105.00
- RG1 1 BottleRM372
- RG2 2 BottleRM702
- RG3 3 BottleRM1030
- HG1 1 BottleRM437
- HG2 2 BottleRM833
- HG3 3 BottleRM1226
- GL1 1 BottleRM408
- GL2 2 BottleRM800
- GL3 3 BottleRM1190
- BL1 1 BottleRM950
- BL2 2 BottleRM1888
- BL3 3 BottleRM2788
- H1 1 BottleRM1133
- H3 3 BottleRM3399
- CR1 1 BottleRM399
- CR2 2 BottleRM755
- CR3 3 BottleRM1111
- CB1 1 BottleRM853
- CB2 2 BottleRM1624
- CB3 3 BottleRM2490
- RW1 CIV LambrusscoRM120
- RW2 Genesis MerlotRM142
- RW3 Barrosa Valley Grenache ShirazRM230
- RW4 LFE DONA BernardaRM395
- WW1 Rosemount Traminer RieslingRM153
- WW2 Shinas Estate Sweet Justice MoscatoRM186
- TT1 Tempus TwoRM318
- TT2 Tempus Two -SetRM572
- CM1 MOET & ChandonRM528
- CM2 Dom PerignonRM968
- C1 Hot ChocolateRM12.9
- C2 CappuccinoRM12.9
- C5 AmericanoRM10.9
- C6 Teh TarikRM10.9
- T1 Earl GreyRM9.00
- T2 PeppermintRM9.00
- T3 Jasmine GreenRM9.00
- T4 Pure ChamomileRM9.00
- T5 English BreakfastRM9.00
- T6 Lemon GrassRM10.00
- T7 Ice Lemon TeaRM10.00
- T8 Hot Lemon TeaRM10.00
- B2 - Tonic / Soda /
Bitter Lemon / Ginger AleRM7.00 - B3 - Acqua Panna Natural Spring Water 250mlRM12.00
- B4 - Acqua Panna Natural Spring Water 1000mlRM19.90
- B5 - Sprite / Coke /
Green TeaRM9.00 - B6 - Red BullRM12.00
- B7 - Minute Maid OrangeRM9.00
Prices subject to change without prior notice.
Please check prices with the restaurant before ordering.
Menu (including prices) for This restaurant may have changed since the last time the website was updated. scanmenu.my does not guarantee prices or the availability of menu items at this restaurant are the lastest. (Menu source – Collected from restaurant)